musings on yoga & the constant, “SLOW BURN” of the inner revolution. New science, old tradition, real life.

Mid Merry Mid Merry

how to winter in the desert

Winter in the desert is a challenge. We celebrate its arrival because the days are no longer above 40 degrees, and the desert feels like ours again to explore ~ to walk, hike, camp and delight in the magic of the land. But you also feel a coldness deep in your bones. Its windy and dry. A lot of our houses are built to withstand the heat and stay cool in Summer, which means in Winter it can feel like you're living in an ice box. 

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Erica Hartwick Erica Hartwick

why you need a daily yoga practice

As Winter creeps into our bones and the cold, frosty mornings tempt us to stay snuggled under the Doona, we can begin to see the deep, underlying connection we have to nature and our environment. You can't deny it. The drop in temperature, shorter day length and dryness in the air can be felt in our bodies,

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Mid Merry Mid Merry

the human condition~ obstacles on your path home

You know that dullness, doubt, indecision, laziness, instability & general heaviness you're feeling ~ during those times you know you should be out walking the dogs, feeding yourself healthier food, moving your body more? Well guess what, the Ancient sages and seers felt it too, as has probably every human that's ever lived.

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Travel Erica Hartwick Travel Erica Hartwick

yoga is the long game but its the way home

The long game is the CONSTANT work of  "Remembering yourself home" as Toko -Pa Turner says. And although it can and often does, make you feel better pretty quickly, the unfolding and remembering yourself home, breath by breath, again and again and again, happens, SLOWLY.  

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Fashion Erica Hartwick Fashion Erica Hartwick

how things move through you

Those rushed moments of our lives....where we reach forward constantly for the Next thing, the next breath, the next thought, the next words, the next movements..rob us of witnessing the listening to the sacred intelligence that exists within us.

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Photography Erica Hartwick Photography Erica Hartwick

sadhana ~ life support

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec lacinia velit vel accumsan venenatis. Suspendisse eget mattis arcu. Donec mattis lacus sed turpis semper, quis fermentum est tristique.

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Mid Merry Mid Merry


Several weeks back, some thing happened that signalled to me I had to stop. Life at home became increasingly strained & without revealing too much about my personal life, I was struggling to keep afloat as my partner struggled with his own path. I realised I had been going non stop for nearly a year, taking care of everyone else and taking little care, if any at all, of myself. My own cup was becoming emptier and emptier, as I sought to find the energy and support to continue to support and fill others’.

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Mid Merry Mid Merry

the game changer

Some of you may know that I am currently on Yoga Teacher Training retreat in Koh Samui with my teacher Tiffany Cruikshank. The module we're studying is Meditation and Yin Yoga. I chose this module specifically because I am fascinated about the affects of meditation and want to learn all I can about it to translate this into becoming an amazing teacher for my students. Little did I know that this would be a game changer for me. 

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